FIX THESE 2 COMMON FAULTS for quick & dramatic improvement in your chipping & full swing 

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Short Game Impact Trainer

LIMITED SUPPLY - Save $30 off retail price on our Short Game Impact Trainer.  Discount will be shown in cart.




A good day chipping may completely save your round.  A bad day, well…let’s just say it can make your scorecard a little more “interesting.”

Since virtually every golfer has experienced both sides of the chipping coin, let’s discuss how to take the unpredictability out and bring the par-saving fun in. Poor results on the golf course don’t happen on their own without some help.

When you skull a chip shot that goes running across the green, or stub a shot, it usually happens because of the two most common faults, and knowing the faults will help you avoid them.

FAULT 1: Many golfers do not realize that when they choke down on the club to get a better relationship to the club head, it usually causes a strong grip. A strong grip means that the lead hand has been turned excessively so that the entire back side of the hand can be seen.

FAULT 2: We see lots of golfers in their chipping, pitching and even full swing who don’t hit down properly on the ball. They cast or have early release which can cause you to have an inconsistent short game and in the full swing, causes loss of distance.

To help you practice perfectly on these two faults, we have created the Short Game Impact Trainer.  Watch below to learn more…

Create Perfect Practice with the NEW Short Game Impact Trainer

How Does The Short Game Impact Trainer Help You Fix The Two Most Common Faults?

You Must Hit Down On The Ball To Make Proper Impact

The club head is the same as our Perfect Impact Trainer in that has negative loft. If you are not leading with your hands, you will "thin" the ball.  This gives you instant feedback, showing you if you are not hitting down properly and allows you to instantly adjust to get the right feeling at impact.

Creates The Perfect Grip In Relation To The Clubhead

Built with the Graves Golf proprietary training grip installed on the club, the Short Game Impact Training club has markings for pressure points of the trail and lead hand, but more importantly, it has molded grooves. When you put your hands on the club, it will be set perfect in relation to the club face. This will keep you from rotating your hands side to side or get a strong grip, which eliminates the #1 issue we see in students when they choke down on the club to hit chip shots.
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Short Game Impact Trainer

LIMITED SUPPLY - Save $30 off retail price on our Short Game Impact Trainer.  Discount will be shown in cart.




Using the Short Game impact trainer to perfect hand movement

Landing zone training with the short game impact trainer

training longer chips with the impact trainer

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Short Game Impact Trainer

LIMITED SUPPLY - Save $30 off retail price on our Short Game Impact Trainer.  Discount will be shown in cart.




We've all seen the latest, greatest, fix everything training aids before right?  

To show you how quickly the Short Game Impact Trainer can transform your chipping (and ultimately full swing), below are a couple real-life case studies with some brave Single Plane golfers.  These will simply blow your mind, check them out!

Case study - William

case study - greg

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Short Game Impact Trainer

LIMITED SUPPLY - Save $30 off retail price on our Short Game Impact Trainer.  Discount will be shown in cart.




I personally guarantee the club for 60 days

Order the Short Game Impact Training Club today. Practice with it for the next two full months. If at the end of that time, you can’t honestly say this club is a game-changer… just send it back and I’ll issue a full refund.

No questions. No problems. No hard feelings.

But I honestly doubt that’ll happen. Because I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears into this training aid. It’s the club I wish I had when first honing my chipping skills. I’m pretty sure once you start practicing with the Short Game Impact Training Club… you won’t give it up for any reason.

Why would you?

No other club virtually guarantees you develop the pro-level habit of hitting drop-dead gorgeous chips. Perfect chips that cozy right into "gimmee" range. From now on.

Get yours before the limited supply runs out…

Sincerely yours,

Tim Graves, PGA