The TOP Chipping Mistakes 90% of Golfers Make... and How To Avoid Them!

WARNING: If You Want To Get the Ball Into "Gimmee" Range Regularly With Your Wedges, and Record Lower Scores NOW - Read This Entire Page Right Now!

The Most Common Errors in the Wedge Game

When teaching Single Plane Golfers in our schools, there are 4 very common issues I've seen over the years.  

Issue #1 is an open or closed club face when hitting wedge shots around the green.

This issue is particularly troublesome in that if the club face isn't square to your intended target, you will develop a swing path of the club to compensate.  This leads to inconsistency, issues with distance control, hitting fat or thin shots regularly, and more.

Incorrect Club Face Alignment

Issue #2 is casting the hands through impact of the wedge shot.

This problem is very common, and causes issues throughout your game, from the wedge game to the full swing.  Casting the club leads to loss of distance control, direction, and hitting the ball inconsistently.

Casting the Hands

Issue #3 is incorrect foot positioning for the specific type of wedge shot.

The wedge game requires some adjustment to the feet, knees, and hips to execute the shot consistently.  Most golfers skip this step, and are doomed from the start to hit inconsistent wedge shots.  Check out the video below to see how you can simply avoid this issue.

Incorrect Foot Positioning

Issue #4 is incorrect stance width for the specific type of wedge shot.

Since we are hitting less than a full shot in the wedge game, stance width is vital to success.  I describe more in the video below.

Incorrect Stance Width

How a Simple Tool Can Help You Avoid The Errors and Become GREAT Around the Green

If you struggle with consistency in chipping, pitching, and even your full swing, then you MUST watch the video below.

You'll see how a simple tool, the Short Game Alignment Trainer, will help you avoid the most common errors and become consistent and deadly accurate with your wedges.

See the Short Game Alignment Trainer from Inside Out

I developed the Short Game Alignment Trainer to serve multiple purposes.  I wanted a tool that would assist you in becoming great with all your wedge shots from the green side chip to the flop shot, and everything in between.

See the video below where I put on a very special pair of glasses and show you how valuable the Short Game Alignment Trainer is by seeing what I see when I practice with it!
If your goal is to shoot lower scores regularly, then the Short Game Alignment Trainer is a 'must have' aid.

Over 30% of your shots in any given round are wedge shots inside 100 yards of the flag, so getting fundamentally consistent with your wedges will lower your scores quickly!

Grab yours below and save!

Order Now & Save $30 (38%)

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Short Game Alignment Trainer
Short Game Alignment Trainer
Short Game Alignment Trainer
Short Game Alignment Trainer
Short Game Alignment Trainer
Short Game Alignment Trainer

Never again guess at the correct ball position, stance width, or address position for any wedge shot!  The Short Game Alignment Trainer is portable, simple to use, and invaluable for any Single Plane golfer wanting to get up & down regularly! 


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My iron clad 60-day Money Back Guarantee

Order the Short Game Alignment Trainer today.  Practice with it for the next two full months. If at the end of that time, you can’t honestly say this aid is a game-changer… just send it back and I’ll issue a full refund.

No questions. No problems. No hard feelings.

But I honestly doubt that’ll happen. Because I’ve put my blood, sweat and tears into this training aid.  It’s the tool I wish I had when first teaching.  I’m pretty sure once you start practicing with the Short Game Alignment Trainer… you won’t give it up for any reason.

Why would you?

No other training aid virtually guarantees you develop the pro-level habit of hitting pin seeking chips every time. Perfect chips. From now on.

Get yours before the limited supply runs out…

Sincerely yours,

Tim Graves, PGA