How Moe Norman's “Accidentally” Designed Wedge Shaves Strokes Around the Green  

Cutting through “thick stuff” and sand like a warm knife through butter ...

Moe created something that will change your short game FOREVER

Tim Graves here with a true Moe Norman Story that will blow your mind...

You’re about to see how Moe’s unparalleled dedication to the game actually gave birth to a revolutionary club design – by accident!

And you’re also going to find out how you can literally benefit from over 10,000 of Moe’s swings – Instantly… Read on for the story!

Before we talk about Moe, let’s talk about you…

During an average round, how often are you frustrated with:

  • Taking two, maybe even three strokes to get up and out of that bunker?

  • Launching the ball out of the green-side rough –right over the green into the rough (or bunker)on the other side?

  • Walking up to that 15-yards-to-the-pin shot from the backside of the green with zero confidence in your ability to put the ball even within 2-putt distance

  • Taking all of these shots quickly so you can avoid the jeers of your buddies – or trying to make them when no one’s looking?

Moe's Magic Wedge TRULY originated in the hands of golf legend Moe Norman.

Moe’s wedge play was nothing short of amazing…

And especially those out of the heavier rough and the sand, they were a marvel to behold.

Up and out with precision placement on the green.

It didn’t matter the lie, how spongy and thick the rough was or how buried the ball was in the bunker, Moe got up and on the green.

And with the same kind of “holy-cow” consistency and accuracy that he was known for from the tee box.

And as you’re about to discover, he had more than just hours of practice on his side…



Now Moe wasn’t a golf club designer or engineer, but what he “discovered” is going to change your short game… and wipe the smirks off your “friends” faces in a hurry.

You see,  Moe practiced so many of these “tough shots” with his old Ram wedge
that it actually deformed the club.

Let me say that again – Moe practiced these sand and rough shots so much that his old Ram club head was actually worn down by the earth and sand.

And we’re not talking about a rough edge here and there…

We’re talking about a whole new clubhead shape and “design”.

And the beauty of it is that it was formed by necessity…

The resistance points where your typical wedge gets stuck in the sand or rough…

You know… the shots where you cringe as you approach the ball because you know you’re either going to chunk it 4 feet or shoot if 40 feet over the green…

Moe ELIMINATED those points on his club by sheer force of repetitive motion

His shots cut through the “thick stuff” and the sand like a warm knife through butter…

And after thousands of strokes…

What Was Left Of Moe Norman’s Wedge Was

 The De-Facto Ideal Club For Those Tight Lies, In The
Rough Around The Green Or Buried In The Sand

Now, I know you rarely find yourself in the rough stuff or in the bunker … 🙂

But if you HAPPEN to find yourself there from time to time, you’re going to want to hear how this story ends…

In fact – anybody who is interested in lowering their handicap 3-9 strokes FAST is going to want to hear this.



See For Yourself How Quickly The Sand Andy
Wedge Can Transform Your Bunker Game -
Watch The Videos Below

Case Studies - Sandy Andy Wedge

The Key To Lowering Your Scores - Short Game Improvement

You can work on any aspect of your game and invest in any number of clubs and aides that will help better your game.

But in terms of bang-for-your-buck, the short game is where you want to be and here’s why:

If you score an 87 or higher you might hit a few, but not most, greens in regulation, which means you’ve got a whole bunch of chips and pitches (probably not from the nicest piece of the fairway) and bunker shots every round.

High-handicap golfers get up-and-down from around the green just 10% of the time!

Mid-handicappers are in the 15-20% range.

Compare that to the average tour pro who is doing it 60% of the time.

That leaves a whole lot of room for improvement to be had in your short game.

Better wedge play alone is going to drop 6, 7, 8 even 12 strokes off your rounds because of what you’ll see is a “cascading effect”:

  • A more consistent, easy-to-use wedge is going to eliminate two approach shots to get on the green

  • The better your chips, pitches, and bunker shots, the shorter your putts

  • The shorter your putts, the more you make

  • The more you make the lower your score....

I don’t mean to dumb it down, but it really is that simple.

If you really want to have smaller numbers at the end of the round (and wipe the smirks off your buddies’ faces) – you’ve gotta focus on your wedge play.

Now, You Can Own Moe’s “Perfectly Worn” Wedge And
Instantly Reap The Rewards Of 10,000+ Swings.

I wanted to capture the essence of what Moe’s swing did to the club naturally.

That old Ram club that Moe literally wore down, over thousands of swings, to be a silky-smooth, ultra-performer in the sand and rough, is what I was after.

I took Moe’s club and had it painstakingly molded, remastered and cast.

And the result is nothing short of amazing.

I knew that the natural course that reshaped that club would mean that it was the perfect design for Single Plane Golfers who wanted to get out of the sand and rough with incredible consistency.

And boy was I right…

Meet The “Sandy Andy”-Moe Norman's Favorite Wedge

It’s the club that instills confidence because it cuts through everything the same way EVERY time.

It’s the de-facto design that makes it virtually impossible to hit a fat shot.

And because Moe refused to swing in any direction other than his target, you don’t have to think about opening the face and cutting across the ball…

Just line up aiming at your target and swing like normal! That’s what it’s made for!

The ability to stay square to your target on those tough shots is truly invaluable.

With this club you don’t have to think – you just execute, and the club does the work!

See, I wanted to capture the essence of what Moe’s swing did to the club naturally.

Moe's Magic Wedge - Improved

  • 55 degrees of loft

  • Steel shafted

  • Graves Golf Grip installed

  • Available in Right & Left Hand models

I wanted to get the club that easily cut through it all – just like Moe did, and with the Sandy Andy, you can do just that.

And because I KNOW this club works, I’m going to guarantee that it is going to work for YOU.

This amazing, “designed” by Moe, unique to Graves Golf, club sells on our website every day for $109…

But in true Graves Golf fashion… I’m offering YOU, our loyal Single Plane Golfers and beloved followers in on a heckuva deal…



Lower Your Scores And Boost Your Confidence
With The Sandy Andy Wedge

The Sandy Andy is perfect for cutting through thick rough and I know you’re going to want to be putting this amazing club to the test right away.


Tim Graves, PGA


P.S. Real quick: We are a little thin on inventory on these wedges, so this sale may get paused/end early at any time if we reach the bottom of the bin (and we are having to wait nearly a year to get inventory replenished) so I suggest you act now if you’re interested. Remember, I guarantee you’re going to love it.


Order the Sandy Andy Wedge today. Practice & Play with it for the next two full months. If at the end of that time, you can’t honestly say this club is a game-changer… just send it back and I’ll issue a full refund.

No questions. No problems. No hard feelings.

But I honestly doubt that’ll happen. Because for our typical Single Plane Golfer, the Sandy Andy delivers consistently when it counts!

No other club virtually guarantees you develop the ability & confidence to get the ball up and out of nearly any bunker or up and down from thick rough with ease!

Get yours before the limited supply runs out…

Sincerely yours,

Tim Graves, PGA